The sphenoid bone comprises the central part — corpus, the pairs of greater and lesser wings, and pterygoid processes. The list of terms: Ala minor. – Lesser wing of sphenoid. Ala major. – Greater wing of sphenoid. Processus pterygoideus. – Pterygoid process of the sphenoid. Corpus.


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C. Ala major. Foramen rotundum. Bild 1: Sphenoidben , övre yta. Gray146.png. Bild 2: Sphenoidben , främre och underordnade ytor. detaljer. identifierare.

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6 Os sphenoidale Detta ben består av fyra delar. Från den centrala delen utgår 3 par vingar. Lateralt en stor och en liten, ala major och ala minor (Figur 8). 23 juni 2020 — Vingbrosk(brosk alares) på båda sidor, vidrör längs mittlinjen, bildar är en del av ansiktsnerven och längs n. petrosus major når pterygopalatin-noden, där i området som sinus i sphenoidbenet, sinus sphenoidalis, öppnar. Hämta den här Skull Os Sphenoidale Bone vektorillustrationen nu.

6-stor vinge av ett kilformat ben ( ala Major Ossis Sphenoidalis) 7-glaserad 8-rivande ben ( oS lacrimale) 9-nasalt ben ( oS NASALE) 10-bindad övre käftprocess  (Bergenholtz et al 1997:111) Opfattelsen af en monolingval ordbog som en »ordbok Two main theses are launched here: (1) the problems of interlingual idiom (t.d.

incisụra ischiadica major acetabulum fạcies lunata fossa acetabuli. Os coxae os ilium corpus ossis įlii ala ossis įlii fossa iliaca sella tụrcica sinus sphenoidalis.

ala temporalis ossis  Search: Image, amos - Ala major ossis sphenoidalis cmd - Canalis mandibulae ds - Dorsum sellae foro - Foramen rotundum ma - Mandibula nph - Nasopharynx maxillae. – os lacrimale.

Sphenoidalis ala major

Ala major ossis sphenoidalis yra įrengtas keliais paviršiais. Tai yra vadinami viršutiniais, šoniniais ir orbitiniais paviršiais. Iš intrakranijinio sferoidinio sparno paviršiaus yra suformuota didesnė fossa kaukolės terpės dalis (vidurinė raktikaulio fossa).

Sphenoidalis ala major

plans; les vaisseaux injectés se voient à la surface, sous la membrane séreuse,  när Ala major oi phenoidali det är tora fhenoidvingar, Detta betyder två tarka benplattor, var ba ligger på phenoidbenet kropp. Ala major oi phenoidali eller Alae  av H Bergenholtz — Bergenholtz et al (1997), som definerer en bilingval ordbog [tospråklig ordbok] på Two main theses are launched here: (1) the problems of interlingual idiom equi- valence registeret (t.d. sinusitis sphenoidalis, og altså ikkje dei fornorska. Frontalis:Meatus nasi medius Sphenoidalis:Recessus sphenoethmoidalis Maxillaris:Meatus Foramen ovale r belget i ala major ossis sphenoidalis FALSKT!

Sphenoidalis ala major

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found one dictionary with English definitions that includes the word ala major ossis sphenoidalis: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "ala major ossis sphenoidalis" is defined. Looking for ala minor ossis sphenoidalis? Find out information about ala minor ossis sphenoidalis.
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Sphenoidalis ala major

As a noun from Related: Sphenoidal. See more. Definitions of sphenoid from  The greater wing forms the inferior border of the supraorbital fissure, and is perforated at its root by foramina rotundum ovale and spinosum and the pterygoid canal. Synonym (s): ala major ossis sphenoidalis [TA], ala temporalis Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ala major ossis sphenoidalis ala major ossis sphenoidalis [TA] greater wing of sphenoid bone: a large wing-shaped process arising from either side of the body of the sphenoid bone; its cerebral surface forms the anterior part of the floor of the middle cranial fossa, and its orbital surface forms the chief part of the lateral wall of the orbit.

margo zygomaticus 7. fascies temporalis 8. spina ossis sphenoidalis 9. crista sphenoidalis 10.
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It is pierced by the foramen ovale and foramen spinosum, and at its posterior part is the sphenoidal spine, which is frequently grooved on its medial surface for the chorda tympani nerve. To the sphenoidal spine are attached the sphenomandibular ligament and the tensor veli palatini muscle.

Latin, ala major ossis sphenoidalis.

Sphenoidbenet (os sphenoidale) upptar en central position vid basen av skallen. Den stora vingen (ala major) börjar från den laterala ytan av kroppen av 

Secțiunea posterioară a ala majores ossis sphenoidales se articulează cu secțiunea unghiulară între oasele temporale și pars petrosa a osului temporal. 61 Ala minor ossis sphenoidalis 62 Ala major ossis sphenoidalis 63 Sella turcica 65 Protuberantia occipitalis interna 66 Foramen rotundum 67 Porus acusticus internus 68 Canalis hypoglossi A22, A22/1, Sinus Basis Cranii 69 Sinus sagittalis superior 70 Sinus sphenoparietalis 71 Sinus cavernosus 72 Sinus intercavernosi 73 Plexus basilaris Return to "Ala major ossis sphenoidalis" page. Last edited on 18 March 2015, at 22:55. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.

5 words related to ala: appendage, outgrowth, process, wing, insect. What are synonyms for ala major ossis sphenoidalis? One of a bilateral pair of triangular, pointed plates extending laterally from the anterolateral body of the sphenoid bone. Forming the posteriormost portion of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa, their sharp posterior edge forms the sphenoidal ridge separating anterior and middle cranial fossae.